Claire and Dan’s Wedding

Our friends Claire and Dan tied the knot today, Saturday 27th April 2019. Helen had the honour of being enlisted as Matron of Honour, Claire’s chief and only bridesmaid, and assumed all the responsibilities that entailed.

Eynsham Hall was a beautiful venue not far from Oxford with around 800 acres of gardens and parkland around it.

The ceremony started at 2pm, with all the guests seated in the red room. I didn’t get any photos of the ceremony itself since phones weren’t allowed (I need a proper camera), but the room was set up really nicely, and I think the same chairs from our own wedding too!

The ceremony went well, many tears were shed, and Dan had a telling off when he didn’t repeat what the registrar said word-for-word. The guests also shared a laugh when Dan scorned the registrar for telling everyone his middle name. Bernard. Something told us he didn’t want people to know about that!

Claire looked beautiful in her dress, a light floral-patterned number with a long train. Dan looked very dapper in his tuxedo as well, and they both beamed with happiness.

They signed the registry, then we retired to the library room for drinks and canapes. Helen had her hands full with a bouquet, clutch, and glass of champagne, so I had to keep feeding her canapes.

We mingled, then it was time for photos. After directing everyone in to a big group photo for the photographers, a lot of people looked to me to take various photos on their cameras. It was a great opportunity to meet everyone, with the added benefit for me of bossing people around! I did get some time to take photos on my own phone as well though.

First thing’s first, Claire and her dress!

Then we have the lovely couple.

Helen looking beautiful with myself (also looking very handsome), Joe, and Josh.

More of the wedding party, including Sue (Claire’s mum). The problem was that Dan wouldn’t stop chatting and making jokes during photos, so in most either he was talking, or everyone else was laughing!

Here is the master of ceremonies talking to the photographers, and then Claire with her closest friends and family.

Then here’s a bunch of other pre-dinner photos.

Photos and mingling done with, we moved to the next room to take our seats in preparation for dinner to be served. A lovely seating plan told us all where we’d be sitting; there were 6 tables in total, Helen and I were sat on the top table – Badger (Dan’s nickname) – with the bride and groom, usher Patrick, best man Luis, and Luis’ girlfriend Alice.

We sat down just after 4:30pm and food was delivered pretty much straight away. There was a ham hock terrine for starter, a roast beef main with all the trimmings, then a lemony dessert (no idea what it was called, but it was delicious).

Between courses, I tried to get round and take a couple of pictures of each table to get a quorum of guests saved to my phone.

Table Badger:

Table Parrot:

Table Lobster:

Table Elephant:

Table Lion:

Table Flamingo:

The room was buzzing with chatter, everyone was thoroughly enjoying themselves and the food!

The cake was also already looking inviting sat to one side of the room!

Before long it was time for the speeches. During these there was not a dry eye in the house. I won’t narrate them here, I’ll let these home-movies speak for themselves. Apologies for the shaky camera and poor sound quality.

Sue Burden, mother of the bride:

Helen Bedford, matron of honour:

Daniel Enstone, groom (obviously):

Luis Suarez, best man:

Speeches over, we retired to the library once more while the staff cleared our plates and turned over the room for dancing in the evening. The band set up at the far end, and it was time to cut the cake, and have a dance.

We danced till just gone midnight, then collapsed in to bed exhausted. A fantastic day, and congratulations once again to Mr and Mrs Enstone!

Thank you for inviting us to be a part of your big day, it was amazing.


  1. Thanks for sharing this Thom and pass our congratulations on to Claire. It was a lovely wedding and we enjoyed the speeches.

  2. Looks like you all had a lovely day, well done Helen for your speech, I’ll be careful who I talk to on the bus in future 😉

  3. Thank you Thom,
    A wonderful record of a wonderful day.A day full of love and joy experienced by all.
    Much love,

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