Thom Bedford

The Eden Project in the Rain

Continued from Part 2

Another nice breakfast this morning, then off to the Eden Project for when it opened. It’s a long drive after the main road to the car park, then a long walk from even the closest car park to the main entrance, obviously set up to receive thousands of guests per day. We arrived shortly after opening, and were glad we came early as by the time we left it was getting very busy.

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The Cornwall Hotel and Spa

Arrival Date: 2021-09-26
Departure Date: 2021-10-02
Accommodation: The Cornwall Hotel and Spa, St Austell

After dropping Sebby and Scarlett off at the cattery on Saturday night, we set off to Cornwall straight after breakfast on Sunday morning. We broke the drive up with a couple of stops, first at Gloucester Services which has a very out-of-place but excellent farm shop and bakery. Then at the Farmer’s Arms in Taunton for a Sunday Lunch.

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