Thom Bedford

Beeston Castle

Roughly 35 minutes drive from home, we arrived at Beeston Castle on a gloriously hot and sunny Sunday morning. As we got closer, the roads got more narrow, but traffic was very light so we barely made use of the lay-bys. We arrived at around 10:30, bought our tickets, and started the climb to the top of the hill.

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Cambridge Botanical Gardens and Fitzwilliam Museum

Continued from Part 2

On Sunday morning, the hotel restaurant was much busier than the previous morning, so much so that they sat someone on our table while we were up getting our food! But with the misunderstanding cleared up, our breakfast was just as tasty as yesterday’s, and we had an extra pain-au-chocolat for me and pain-au-raisin for Helen since it’s our anniversary today! Full of food, we set off in to Cambridge city centre to explore.

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King’s Lynn, Castle Rising Castle, and Weeting Castle

Continued from Part 1

From Ely, we got back on the road and headed North towards King’s Lynn. By this point, even though we’d been caught in the rain in the morning as we arrived in Ely, it was nice and hot with barely a cloud in the sky! Lovely turn in the weather! The roads were nice to drive along, traffic was light, and the surrounding scenery was lovely, so it was a great relaxing drive.

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Ely Cathedral

Arrival Date: 2018-05-25
Departure Date: 2018-05-28
Accommodation: Premier Inn, Cambridge City East, Cambridge

For our first year Wedding Anniversary weekend, we decided on a trip to Cambridge, as we’ve not explored much of East Anglia before. We set off on the Friday night after work, arriving at our hotel at around 10pm. The Premier Inn stood in a retail park around a 30 minute walk from Cambridge city centre, it’s a basic hotel room, but is has all the essentials.

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